Sunday, June 10, 2007

Empire Builder Complete

I acquired the last three of Walthers Empire Builder cars to complete my train. The last three cars are two regular dome cars and one full dome car. All I have to do now is add the details. It'll probably take a week to get that done, maybe more.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Nothing Going On Here

I simply haven't been doing much railroad activity lately. The last thing I did was to get one more of the Empire Builder cars (see below). The latest one is the end of train observation car. All that is left are two regular dome cars and one full dome car. They are both supposed to arrive in May.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Empire Builder Coming Along

I acquired the latest Walthers Great Northern Empire Builder car today. The train I am putting together is abbreviated compared to the real thing. The real train might have been 18 cars and that is too long for my layout. The length of the 12 car train I am settling for is pushing it. This is the train I am doing:

1. Burlington E7A diesel

2. Burlington E8A diesel

3. baggage mail #42 (similar car photo)

4. Baggage-Dormitory #1205

5. 60-Seat Coach #1214 (similar car photo)

(6. 48-Seat Vista Dome Coach) (similar car photo)

(7. 48-Seat Vista Dome Coach lettered for Burlington rather than Great Northern) (similar car photo)

8. Ranch Coffee Shop Lounge #1245 Whitefish Lake (similar car photo in blue)

9. 7-4-3-1 Sleeper #1260 Skykomish River (similar car photo)

10. 6-5-2 Sleeper #1374 Park Creek Pass (similar car photo)

11. 36-Seat Diner #1250 Lake of the Woods (similar car photo)

(12. Full Length Great Dome Glacier View) (similar car photo)

13. 7-4-3-1 Sleeper #1269 Poplar River (similar car photo)

(14. 6-4-1 Observation #1390 Grand Coulee) (similar car photo)

The ones I don't have yet are in parentheses. The complete train will be out by June or so.

Here is a picture of the train as pulled by Great Northern engines.

The numbers by the sleepers refer to the different types of accommodations in the cars. The 7-4-3-1 sleeper had 7 duplex-roomettes, 4 upper and lower berths, 3 double-bedrooms and one compartment. The 6-5-2 sleeper had 6 roomettes, 5 double bedrooms and 2 compartments. The 6-4-1 observation car had 6 roomettes, 4 double bedrooms and one compartment.

The real train in its heyday might have had a couple of baggage cars, another coach and 2 or 3 more sleepers. The train ran between Chicago and St. Paul on the Burlington pulled by silver Burlington engines. From St. Paul to Seattle, the train was pull by Great Northern F units.

You can read my earlier post on this subject.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Passenger Train Idea #1

I would be more likely to ride on an Amtrak train if I didn't have to get to the central depot in the big city. Such as Denver Union Station. That station is just fine for its purpose but what if Amtrak made a short stop on either side of town in addition to the centrally located station? Maybe this isn't practical in Denver given the route of the Zephyr but in some cities it might work.

Imagine a train that ran through Denver from Wyoming all the way south to Colorado Springs and farther. It would make perfect sense for such a train to make a stop in Denver's suburbs of, let's say, Littleton and Westminster.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


I just finished adding lights to several buildings on my HO train layout. Sounds easy but this project has complications. For instance, it is easy enough to stick a light in a 4 story building. However, now that the building is lit up inside, you can easily tell that it is a hollow shell of a building with a light bulb inside. One of the tricks is to put intermediate floors in the structure using cardboard so that the light only lights up some of the building. It's also good to ensure that the light bulb is not easily visible. It looks more interesting if these tricks are used.

I was also concerend with having the lights not be too bright. If the light is too bright, it doesn't look natural espacially with the room lights off. You can make the bulbs shine less bright by wiring two of them in series. This trick was very effective as well in improving the appearance of the buildings.

I am going to continue this project since there are still numerous buildings with no lights. I also need to add some additional street lights to increase realism.

All I need is a bunch of bulbs and some more wire. There must be a mile of wire under the layout now. Why not add some more?